
How to Retire in 18 Months in Your MLM Business

Are you a Ferrari looking for a can of gas? Are you really passionate about getting out of the ‘rat race’ and STAYING out. Have you got dreams and goals and plans that are still to be fulfilled?PASSION, absolute PASSION is very, very essential IF you are really hungry for success in this industry.Network marketing is the only industry where any man or woman with no special skills can create a massive income in a very short time by getting properly trained and APPLYING the information.These are the 5 things you need to consider if you want to get to the top and retire within 18 months:1. Would you bring your mum into network marketing? If you don’t believe in your company or in the MLM model then at an unconscious level, you’ll sabotage yourself eventually. The deal must match your core values or else don’t even get Michele involved.2. What is your market sector size? You’ll be much better joining a company that offers a service or product that most people use every day rather than one used by a tiny sector of the population. It’s much easier to sell them a product or service if they do not have to alter their buying habits.3. Dedicate at least 2 hours a day in professional relationship building. Remember that in network marketing you are paid to do 2 things; recruit and retail Watches Time spent doing anything else during these 2 hours is amateurish. Remember your goal is getting to retire within 18 months.4. Expose your business to 30 people every day. This is what it takes. Most of these will not join your business but those who join will explode your business even on a binary system5. You have to learn how to recognize the ‘landmines’. Don’t get distracted by other deals; remember it’s not about the deal but about B.R.M Watches you, as long as the market is large enough for your deal, stick with it.There are 7 potential landmines to watch out for:1st The multiple streams of income landmine. Stay with one primary MLM company.2nd The multi-tasking landmine. You need to do one thing at a time.3rd The loan landmine. Don’t loan people money to purchase the starter pack unless you’re prepared to lose it.4th Don’t become an expert in the technical details or you’ll lose a potential customer/distributor.5th The friends and family landmine. Leave them alone; Some will join later.6th Leave dabblers or tire-kickers alone. Spend your precious time with only serious-minded people.7th The short-cut landmine.This is so essential because network marketing is hard work. There are NO short-cuts. 18 months is already a short-cut by any stretch of the imagination Corum Watches so don’t jeopardise your future by being in too much of a hurry.If all the above points resonate with you, there’s more information here to enable you build your business online. It’s an attraction marketing system that you can fully customize and enable you attract at least 100 laser-targeted leads online every single day and make money from the 95% of prospects who don’t join your primary MLM company.Take IWC care; take action.To Your Massive, Massive Success!

